Anyway; I'm back with a new personal challenge! Here's the details:
As some of you know, I'm a committed Christian and so for Lent this year I've decided to incorporate my photography into my Lent vow. I've made cursory attempts to give things up during past Lents, but I always either forget or simply give up. Also, giving up chocolate is a very good idea and very beneficial for my health, but it doesn't really get me any closer to God, which is the point after all! So... my vow for Lent 2011 is this:
Every day I shall take a photograph and upload it to Facebook and Flickr, with a relevant verse from the Bible. By Easter I should have 40 uplifting and inspiring images, which I will give to my church, St Peter's, to put in their photo library.
The tasks and aims will be:
* To break my creative block and get 'out there' with my camera.
* To read my Bible each day of Lent and get into the habit of picking up my Bible every single day.
* To inspire and encourage others with the resulting images and verses.
* To spend some time every day with God and to get into the habit of setting time aside to just 'be' with God.
* To spread the Good News!
The challenges:
* Making and finding time to take the photographs.
* Taking good shots, no matter where I happen to find myself and despite my personal limitations.
* Travelling to and staying in Cornwall then Wales for two weeks of Lent, including 4 days on the road and having to find an internet connection!
Jesus went into the desert for forty days, ate nothing and faced down the devil. I think I can manage to take some photos..!
If you want to follow the daily uploads; you'll find them on my Facebook page in THIS ALBUM and in my FLICKR ALBUM. (I usually post the photos in the evening, by 8pm GMT.)
I'll also do a weekly round up here on my blog, too, although the images will be a bit smaller.
Here's the first five:
1 Peter 1:23

Luke 19:10

Isaiah 40:8

Matthew 16:19

John 13:34

So far the response has been amazing, from both Christians and non-Christians alike and I'm so grateful for all the support and encouragement. It's also wonderful to know that people are comforted and inspired by these little daily offerings!
So, until next time, take care!
Emma ♥